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Stewarding factsheet 1 – Overview

This factsheet series provides an overview of the existing SGSA guidance on stewarding and safety personnel.

Safety management seeks to ensure that all people present at an event not only are safe but also that they should have sufficient confidence in the safety management operation to feel safe.

No matter how basic or sophisticated the venue, or how technologically advanced the safety systems in place – CCTV coverage, communications network, alarm systems and so on – it is the competency and capacity of the venue’s human resources that will ultimately determine the quality of the safety management operation. This includes:

  • A senior executive with overall responsibility for safety.
  • A safety officer to plan and oversee the event day operation.
  • Supervisory stewards to form a link in the chain of command between the safety officer and all other
  • Stewards performing locational or functional roles.
  • A named individual with a responsibility for security.
  • Event attendants carrying out non-safety critical roles.

Safety, security and service

It is widely acknowledged that the delivery of a safe event is achieved by adopting an integrated and balanced approach towards the core elements of safety, security and service, as advocated by the Council of Europe. In brief, these are:

Factsheet series

This factsheet series provides an overview of the existing SGSA guidance on stewarding and safety personnel.


The SGSA, on behalf of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), has commissioned a number of research projects on stewarding. These have assisted in plans to scope a reform of stewarding.

Key findings:

  • 87% of stewards are satisfied with their role.
  • Quality of training and qualifications is inconsistent.
  • The area of least satisfactions: Working benefits (28%); Opportunities for career
    progression (44%); Pay (57%).

Find out more

Further details can be found in the SGSA’s existing guidance:

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