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Medical room checklist

This checklist provides supplementary guidance on items and equipment to be provided by the management of sports grounds for use by medical and/or first aid personnel at an event, as recommended in Chapter 18 of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds. The checklist is Annex E of the Green Guide.

The checklist is not intended to be definitive, and allows for the fact that there are varying types, manufacturers and trade names for the items and pieces of equipment cited.

The decision as to what items and equipment to provide, and in what quantities, must be supported by professional medical advice and be based on the findings of the Medical Needs Assessment (see Sections 18.3 – 18.4 of the Guide), taking into consideration such factors as the capacity of the ground, its layout, the number and size of medical and/or first aid rooms, and the deployment of medical and/or first aid personnel.

Note that the provision, location and deployment of any additional medical and/or first aid equipment for use in a Major Incident will be subject to the findings of both the Medical Needs Assessment and liaison with the local NHS Ambulance Trust (see Figure 33 of the Guide and Note 3 relating to the provision of support vehicles by the ambulance authority).

Note also that the checklist includes reference to ‘kits’, ranging from basic first aider kits to response kits and AED kits. It is emphasised that the contents and colour coding of such kits can vary, but that in all cases the details of these kits, their contents and their colour coding, together with an inventory of all other items and equipment, must be recorded in the management’s written Medical Plan (see Section 18.6 of the Guide).

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