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Singapore Grand Prix training

We delivered a bespoke training course on integrated safety management.

In June 2019 the SGSA conducted training on Integrated Safety Management for Major Events in Singapore.

In total, 20 people completed the three-day training course, organised by the Singapore Grand Prix and included delegates from the Singapore Sports Hub and Hong Kong.

The interactive sessions covered a range of topics designed to test and build understanding of key issues relating to running a major event safely. It included an exploration of integrated safety management, using the three central tenets of safety, security and service, before going into detail on the concepts of risk management. The training also included the development event safety plans.

Delegates were given a fictional major event and challenging incidents to deal with to see how they responded. The training covered the arrival and ingress of patrons with a focus on stewarding plans, the movement of people within an event covering density and crowd dynamics, before focusing on the safe egress and dispersal. It covered the development of event safety operations manuals. Interspersed throughout the three days were various tools and templates to support the course concepts but more importantly to enable delegates to continue to apply the knowledge after the event.

“The facilitators were great teachers. The content and experience was delivered in a way that was easily understood and delivery methods were simple, effective and helped participants to apply concepts to their own context.”

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