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Record management

Record management is an essential part of safety management.

In all record keeping procedures, honesty, clarity and accuracy are essential.

This is so that, firstly, lessons can be learnt and standards can be maintained or improved, and secondly, because full transparency in the recording, reviewing and auditing process offers confirmation and assurance that the safety management operation is properly planned and open to subsequent examination, should this be necessary for evidential purposes.

The Event Record is an overview of each individual event.  It should include:

  1. A copy of the Event Management Plan
  2. The Event Log
  3. Event Data
  4. Notes or (where available) recordings of any significant verbal communications
  5. Recordings of event day CCTV footage and photographs

All of the above records and materials should be saved, backed up and stored in accordance with laws on data protection.

Event log

The Event Log is a contemporaneous record of every report received by personnel in the control point that is related to safety, security or service, together with a record of every decision, measure or instruction subsequently implemented.

The Event Log must be tamper proof – that is, it must be designed, maintained and retained in such a way that its contents cannot be altered retrospectively. This is important for both audit and evidential purposes.

Each entry in the Event Log should, as a minimum, record the following information:

  1. a unique reference number
  2. the time at which the report was received in the control point
  3. details of who is issuing the report (for example, the control point, facilities management, or a specific steward)
  4. brief details of the incident or issue being reported, or the measure being implemented, and/or the decision or instruction made in response to the report, plus the identity of the person or agency implementing that decision or instruction
  5. confirmation of whether the incident or issue has been closed (that is, resolved) or remains pending
  6. the time at which the incident or issue is considered closed.

Clearly the type and nature of reports, incidents and issues to be recorded in the Event Log will vary according to the venue and the event but should include as a minimum all routine but relevant operational measures. These could include:

  • Facilities, such as a damaged seat, barrier, light or sign
  • Safety procedures, such as the non-routine opening of an exit door or gate, or details of fires and fire alarm activations
  • Incidents involving spectators, such as people refused entry, ejections, arrests, medical emergencies or any safeguarding issues.
  • Details of any accidents or incidents, including near misses.

Event data

The Event Data – some parts of which may be compiled after the event day – should be a summary of all the relevant data pertaining to the event.

In common with the Event Log, whether in printed or digital form, the Event Data should be drawn up, maintained and retained in a format which is both secure and does not allow for any alterations to be made retrospectively.

Typically, the Event Data should include:

  1. the total number of spectators attending, including in each section of the venue
  2. the number, names and location of all safety staff at the event deployed directly by the venue and/or event organiser
  3. the number of all safety staff at the event provided by agencies
  4. the number, names and location of all medical or first aid staff deployed directly by the venue and/or event organiser
  5. the number of all medical or first aid staff at the event provided by third parties
  6. details of any complaints received from spectators or other parties.

When all this information has been collated, the Event Data will then form part of the overall Event Record.