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Comments, compliments and complaints

We welcome feedback on our staff, guidance or areas of work. 


We value your suggestions and welcome any feedback that you have.

We will acknowledge your comments and suggestions, and where possible we will respond with detail about how your suggestion has been used.


Compliments are valuable and important to us. They let us know what we do well and the positive difference it makes.

When they are received, they will be recorded and passed on to the relevant staff member(s). and when they are received, they will be recorded and reported on.


It is inevitable that members of the public will not always be happy with the service they receive or with the decisions that are made by the SGSA. If you wish to complain, please do so on the details above. 

Your complaint will be dealt with promptly in the following way: 

  • You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of a complaint within three working days. 
  • The Chief Executive will consider each complaint, in consultation with relevant colleagues. 
  • A substantive response will be sent within 20 working days. 

If we receive complaints about matters for which we have no responsibility, we shall immediately pass these on to the appropriate authority and inform the complainant of this action. 

If the above process fails to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant, then they will be advised to refer the matter to the Chair of the SGSA for an internal review of the original complaint. 

If you wish to contact us with a comment, compliment or complaint, please do so either via: 

  • Email: 
  • Phone: 0207 930 6693 
  • Post: Sports Grounds Safety Authority, 10 South Colonnade, London, E14 4PU. 

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